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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nice book about painting ceramic mug

This is the book about painting glass and ceramics, this section is about ceramic mug. It is really exciting especially you have plain ceramic mug.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

On the move coffee drinks brand

A local brand for a cup of coffee. They offered a variety taste of coffee by using bubbles.

This is good cup design choice. Because using printed mass cup instead plain or common cup or using stickers.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

KFC Chicken Bucket Ronaldo edition

This is chicken bucket Ronaldo edition from Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC. Since it looks like a large cup so I decided to take a photo as new collection for this blog.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How to make used cup as reused things

Making used cup as reused things or make some creation based on it is a good action.
Unfortunately not much creation that we can recreate using used cup both plastic or paper. There are Several things that often people reused the cup:
-Used as lamp cover component.
-Used as decorated pottery or vase.
-Used as a component for or attach to other material.
-Used as a part that first has to be cut or deform so later can be reunite with other parts.
-Used as decorated pen or pencil container on the table.
-Used as decorated container for others things.
-Used for decoration.